CCFP SOO Exam DOs and DON’Ts! The FMEP Course will get you ready!

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CCFP SOO Exam DOs and DON’Ts! The FMEP Course will get you ready!

February 10, 2022 | Family Medicine Exam Prep Course | CCFP

As many of you know, the CCFP examination is being delivered in a virtual format.
Most things will not change except for you interacting with the examiner through a digital platform called Practique.

We know that writing the CCFP examination is stressful enough as it is, so our team at the Family Medicine Exam Prep Course has compiled important information about the SOO component of the exam… to make things a bit easier!

Here is the important SOO exam information:

1. What should I review before the SOO component of the exam?

2. Where do I write the exam?

    • You can complete the SOO exam from any place you want – we strongly recommend finding a quiet place that is familiar and comfortable to you. Practice SOOs with a colleague via a Zoom or Skype session to give yourself a chance to become familiar with what it is like to interview someone through a computer rather than in person. DO NOT carry out your SOO in a major public place or at a university as you may run the risk of having a compromised internet connection during your SOO.

3. How long is the exam?

    • The exam runs for 2.5 hours (this does not include the additional 15 minutes you will be given to get set up).

4. Do I need to have any specific items with me for the exam?

    • You will be required to provide visual evidence of your identity with a government-issued ID (with a picture). You can use a passport or a current driver’s license. You do not require a pen or paper. You can take notes using the examination platform. You can also have a drink (such as water), as long as it is visible to the examiner and it is in a clear container (remember the bubbly comes AFTER you are done with your CCFP exam!!!).

5. What should you NOT do during the exam?

    • Do not move away from the camera during the exam
    • Warn everyone around you not to enter the room during the exam
    • Put away all books and notes during the exam
    • Do not give or get assistance during the exam
    • Do not write down the exam questions
    • Do not have any paper or pens around you (all note-taking will be done on the computer)

6. What kind of computer do I need?

    • You must have a laptop or desktop computer that has a built-in webcam, speakers, and microphone.
    • You must have a reliable internet connection.
    • Multiple screens are not allowed.

7. How do I answer the SOO questions?

    • SOO questions can be challenging, but we are confident that you will be well prepared to tackle any station you get.
    • First, we recommend you review the sample SOO on our website (we have demonstrated an example of what a superior certificant SOO may look like… and one that is… well, terrible). You can access both here:
    • Secondly, review the CCFP website. Here is a helpful link: CCFP SOO Exam FAQs. 
    • Third, don’t worry – during our FMEP course weekend, we will run through different SOO scenarios and provide clear examples of how to answer difficult questions such as competency assessments, goals of care conversations, and present examples of how to manage difficult clinical encounters (such as dealing with a victim of sexual abuse, domestic violence, etc.). We will go over possible scenarios you may encounter during your exam and provide guidance on how to approach these scenarios… as well as what you should try and avoid!
    • Lastly, practice, practice, practice with a partner! We hope you found this blog useful, and as always don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions you may have! Good luck studying!
